Sunday, March 14, 2010

Share the Bible Message Part C

Now that we know how to explain how salvation works we can move on to asking for a response to the gospel. We know how salvation was provided and we know how a person receives this salvation. Once we have explained this we must ask a person if they are willing to make this commitment. Jesus and the apostles would often ask for a response to the salvation message (Matthew 16:13-19, 19:16-21; Acts 2:38-39, 17:2-4).

If we truly desire to see people become Christians, we must ask them to make a commitment of faith. You can ask, “would you like to make this commitment?” You can even add some preparation questions like, “what do you think about all of this?” and “how does this make you feel?” Learn to be in tune with the Holy Spirit, relax, and ask questions. Remember though at some point you should look for the opportunity to see if they would like to make this commitment.

What do you do if they say no? Don’t panic! Just because someone doesn’t respond the first time doesn’t mean they are closed to it for a lifetime. The fact that you have gotten this far is a good sign. Just ask them to continue to consider and pray about it. Then go back to praying for them yourself and watch for more opportunities. Don’t bring it back up every time you talk to them, but when you sense the opening may be there then ease back in. Maybe ask, “how is the praying going?” or “how is the Bible reading going?” Wherever their relationship with God last stood, ask them about that. Allow their response to show you how open they are. If they seem open then go back into, “what have you been thinking about the whole commitment idea?” Based on this you may now have the opportunity to lead them to Christ.

What do you do if they say yes? Then ask if they would mind praying a commitment prayer with you. If they would rather not, then encourage them to do this on their own. If they are willing then pray with them. If they are comfortable praying themselves or do not know what to say then lead them. Ask them to repeat the following prayer, pausing where you want them to repeat. “Lord Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I need you to save me from my sinful nature. Please come into my life and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I believe that you are the Son of God, the Messiah. You are God and came down to earth to become a man. You were born of a virgin and lived a perfect sinless life. You died on the cross to pay the punishment for my sins. You rose from the dead and live forevermore guaranteeing my resurrection. I believe in you. I commit to seeking you and knowing you more and more my entire life. I surrender to your lordship, your authority. I will believe what the Bible says and will life the way it says to live. My life is in your hands. I submit to you. Thank you for my salvation. I know that I will be in heaven with you at the end of my life and I know that you will be with me helping me through this earthly life. Amen!” If they are comfortable praying on their own then just offer to pray for them and ask them to start praying a prayer of commitment when they feel ready.

After the prayer encourage them that they have made a good commitment. Point out that they are now a child of God and will be in heaven for all eternity. In later lessons we will discuss what to do after leading them to Christ. Continue to keep them in prayer. This is very important. May God richly bless you and enable you to lead many to Christ!

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